Master Potter
Greetings From the Author
Settings and Characters
Part One The Potter’s Field
Chapter One Jill’s Studio
Chapter Two Master Potter
Chapter Three Forsaken
Chapter Four The Looking Glass
Chapter Five From Riches to Rags
Chapter Six The Challenge
Chapter Seven Death Stalks
Chapter Eight The Crucified Savior
Part Two The Potter’s House
Chapter Nine First Love
Chapter Ten Vessels of Destiny
Chapter Eleven The Potter’s House
Part Three The Potter’s Hands
Chapter Twelve Unrelenting Love
Chapter Thirteen Baptism of Love
Chapter Fourteen Kneaded in His Love
Part Four The Potter’s Wheel
Chapter Fifteen On the Wheel
Chapter Sixteen Piercing Love
Chapter Seventeen Come, Holy Spirit!
Chapter Eighteen Rite of Passage
Chapter Nineteen Pruning
Part Five The Wilderness
Chapter Twenty Prophetic Journey
Chapter Twenty-one The Wilderness
Chapter Twenty-two Amazing Grace
Chapter Twenty-three A Sign in the Heavens
Chapter Twenty-four Enchanter
Chapter Twenty-five Deeper Life
Chapter Twenty-six Falling in Love
Chapter Twenty-seven Pastor Beguiler
Chapter Twenty-eight Unholy Fire
Chapter Twenty-nine Midnight Rendezvous
Chapter Thirty Paradise Lost
Chapter Thirty-one The Outcast
Chapter Thirty-two Signed, Sealed and Delivered!
Chapter Thirty-three Winds of God
Chapter Thirty-four Dressed for Battle
Chapter Thirty-five Joyous Celebration
Chapter Thirty-six The Tent of the Lord
Chapter Thirty-seven Open Heavens
Chapter Thirty-eight Forgiveness
Part Six The Refiner’s Fire
Chapter Thirty-nine Trophies of Grace
Chapter Forty A Custom-designed Death
Chapter Forty-one Refiner’s Fire
Chapter Forty-two Golden Keys of Forgiveness
Chapter Forty-three Glorious Reconciliation
Chapter Forty-four Spirit of Adoption
Chapter Forty-five Lord! Turn Off the Heat!
Chapter Forty-six Holy Spirit Intervention
Chapter Forty-seven Visitation in the Night
Part Seven On the Shelf Again!
Chapter Forty-eight The Good, the Bad and the Really Ugly!
Chapter Forty-nine The Settlers
Chapter Fifty Help Has Arrived
Chapter Fifty-one Fire Insurance
Chapter Fifty-two The Great Deception
Chapter Fifty-three Prayers of the Saints
Chapter Fifty-four The Warrior Bride
Chapter Fifty-five The Bridegroom King
Master Potter®
© Copyright 2003 – Jill Austin
All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible. Please note that Destiny Image’s publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some Bible publishers’ styles.
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ISBN 978-0-7684-9915-5
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I dedicate this book to the loving memory of my mother, Elizabeth Isabelle Austin, a pioneer and forerunner. You were the only graduating female medical doctor in your class at the University of California, Berkley. You practiced medicine for 46 years and attained excellence as a woman in a male-dominated profession. You are my hero!
I know at first you didn’t understand why I stopped being a professional potter and “wasted” my teaching degree by going into full-time ministry and traveling with a rag-tag, struggling Christian performing arts group. But you stood in my corner and encouraged me to run for my dreams, and even made up the financial differences when love offerings were low or nonexistent.
I’m glad you came to know Master Potter like I do and that you laughed your way into glory as you departed this world. You stand today with the great cloud of witnesses—still my cheerleader.
Your sacrifices in the beginning enabled me to move into the global ministry I have today. I know that you will one day share in these rewards.
You are my inspiration. Mom, I love you forever.
I want to thank the many faithful people associated with Master Potter Ministries over the last 25 years.
There have been so many generous supporters, friends, office staff, actors, musicians, counselors and intercessors. You were willing to be radical and on the cutting edge when it wasn’t popular. You were truly glorious comrades, always challenging the status quo. I love your abandonment for Jesus and your love for the Holy Spirit’s ministry. You have faithfully stood with me through both blessings and adversity. I love you all for your courage and loyal friendship.
Linda Valen has been my ministry assistant for the last ten years. She is the left lobe of my brain; without her I could accomplish very little. She is truly a woman of excellence and integrity. Linda serves sacrificially and unrelentingly, and has a tenacity and hunger to press into Jesus that few people possess.
My mentors through the years include Lonnie Frisbee, who was the catalyst behind the Jesus People and the Vineyard movement. I am grateful that he gave me the revelation that the Holy Spirit is a person and taught me how to move in the anointing. Thanks to John Wimber who taught me how to “do the stuff” and also how to train and equip others to “do the stuff.” Mike Bickle still inspires me with his radical, passionate love for Jesus. His humility in the midst of outstanding revelation is astonishing. His intercession, love for the Word and for the Holy Spirit continually inspire me.
A big thanks to the following contributing editors who hammered out the plot with me and gave voices to Beloved and the vessels that I love so much. Your invaluable writing skills and profound insights have significantly molded this book. What a delight to work with such gifted people: Madeline Watson, Jackie Macgirvin and Peggy de Alminana.
Thanks to Don Milam, Don Nori and the rest of the staff at Destiny Image for believing in Master Potter. Thanks for taking a risk on this prophetic, untraditional allegory.
Blessings to you all.
To me, there
are two powerful things in this tremendously profound book. One is the Master Potter’s remolding us in ways we can’t do for ourselves. The other is writer Jill Austin’s masterful storytelling ability. I predict God Himself will get hold of the reader in ways he or she has never dreamed of.
—Oral Roberts
Founder/Chancellor, Oral Roberts University
Author, Still Doing the Impossible
As I read this book, not only was it a great prophetic journey and in the same caliber as Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, but this is a Christian novel that took me in the Spirit. I was able to experience God and see in the Spirit as I read. This book opened my eyes to the reality of Heaven. I actually felt I was reading a prophecy. I highly recommend it as good Christian reading, prophetic story and revelation.
—Todd Bentley
Evangelist, Fresh Fire Ministries
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Jill Austin is a living parable of her writing on the Master Potter—a woman who has literally been formed, crushed, reformed, glazed, fired, set aside, and fired again. Master Potter is a must read for every person who seeks a deeper walk with a living God.
As a testimony to her life, Jill, once a handful of broken and discarded earthen shards, is herself a compliment to any situation. She adorns the company and lives of all who know her in much the same way that a masterpiece of art graces a room. The fire of the Holy Spirit that emanates from Jill’s pen will warm even the coldest heart and make the soul farthest out sense the draw of the Almighty.
Every chapter holds the voices we all know so well, and some we have either been spared or taken prisoner by. Master Potter catches up the reader. It’s as though we have been placed, again or for the first time, on the Potter’s wheel. The transformation, wet with the kindness and power of the Word, begins lovingly.
There is not a scenario or relationship, a set of circumstances—high or low—that afflicts the human situation, that Jill has not brilliantly allegorized in her book. To read Master Potter is a living experience with the effect of a thousand inspiring and soul-searching tales.
We have all been Forsaken, felt her shame, used her excuses, and been chased down by Antagonist. But not everyone has completed the journey of encounter and transformation to Beloved. And that is just the beginning! On to the Potter’s House, and the great adventure begins.
Master Potter is a refreshing allegory of the rarest personal kind. For anyone who is interested in the spiritual dimension, Master Potter is a personal footpath on which to recognize oneself. It is as if the characters are there, just a few steps ahead, beckoning.
As a practical tool, this book, much like the parables Jesus used, is an asset to every minister, lay and ordained. From “Rock-a-bye baby, never grow up” to the lovesick Bridegroom pacing up and down the aisles waiting for His Beloved, Master Potter is a triumph. We await Mountain of Fire!
For any man, every woman, life has a way of putting us on the Potter’s wheel for formation and re-formation. A literary journey through Master Potter can arrange even the most confused fragments of the heart into a kaleidoscope of grace and beauty and guide the reader to becoming a vessel fit for a King! I hope you will read it, give it to your friends, send it to your enemies, and share it with your children.
—Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda
Pastors, All Nations Church
Founders, Mahesh Chavda Ministries International
Charlotte, NC
Authors, The Original Sin and The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting
People of all ages will love this book. Open its pages and slip into the realm of the supernatural—the real realm. Explore deep recesses of the unseen that will draw you close to a loving Father. This book proves that biblical reality is more exciting than occult fantasy!
—Cindy Jacobs
Co-founder, Generals of Intercession
Author, Possessing the Gates of the Enemy
Jill is a prophetess. Her life, ministry and this book will cause you to fall more in love with Jesus. This is the greatest endorsement I could give about any book.
—Ché Ahn
Senior Pastor, Harvest Rock Church
Pasadena, CA
Author, Into the Fire
With the skill of a true artisan, our dear friend Jill Austin descriptively paints a vivid picture with words that will captivate your attention and create an increased hunger and insatiable desire to know your Creator. In the hands of the Master Potter, you will find your heart gripped with love. You will weep with gratitude and rejoicing that you are chosen! This book is a modern day classic right at your fingertips!
—Jim (James) W. and Michal Ann Goll
Co-founders, Ministry to the Nations
Nashville, TN
Authors, The Lost Art of Intercession and A Call to the Secret Place
The ability to blend the realm of the supernatural with the natural in a way that doesn’t confuse, compromise, or offend is truly unique. Jill has painted spiritual truth with such artistically clear strokes that it reminds one of the Master Himself. What an insightful, gripping book!
—Dr. Dutch Sheets
Founder, Dutch Sheets Ministries
Senior Pastor, Springs Harvest Fellowship
Colorado Springs, CO
Author, Intercessory Prayer and Praying for America
Jill Austin masterfully writes this deeply impacting allegory with artistic penmanship. The journey will truly capture the attention and heart of the reader. Many life-changing truths are wonderfully portrayed in the pages of this book.
—Chris Mitchell
Middle East Bureau Chief, CBN News
Jerusalem, Israel
We love Jill Austin. She truly is an intimate friend of the Holy Spirit. This story really isn’t just a rich allegory, but rather an invitation to embark on a journey into the very heart of our lovesick God. Master Potter is an insider’s guide to the supernatural glory realm. May you be empowered in your daily Christian walk as you realize God’s great love for each of His vessels and the glorious future you have in Him. May this profound book lead the Harry Potter generation into the loving arms of Master Potter.
—Wesley and Stacey Campbell
Founders, Revival Now! Ministries
Pastors, New Life Church
Directors, HOPE for the Nations
Kelowna, BC, Canada
Author, Praying the Bible! The Book of Prayers
Jill Austin, through the use of artistic penmanship, intricately and passionately describes a prophetic journey unto wholeness and calling throughout the pages of this amazing allegory. The reader is sure to find hope and healing in the truths portrayed in Master Potter.
—Pat Cocking
The War Room
Kelowna, BC, Canada
Author, Third Heaven, Angels and Other Stuff
Jill Austin is a unique treasure to this world. She puts language to the innermost desires—and often misgivings—we all experience on this journey called life. Jill’s book puts it all in perspective. It is profound yet simple, pure yet passionate. It will shine a light on the path each of us must walk to see warmth and peace touch the hurting areas of our hearts. Jill takes wisdom, truth, and compassion and weaves them into a profoundly powerful story that will grip your heart. You will find yourself in these pages. Better yet, you will find the restoration and freedom you need to seize your future and fulfill your destiny.
—Melody Green
President and Co-founder, Last Days Ministries
Kansas City, MO
Author, No Compromise
This book goes straight to the heart! Master Potter excellently conveys the mighty, yet merciful, nature of God and His undying desire to “put us back together again.” Jill Austin’s story line is so vivid and touching, moving the reader to visualize and relate to the personalities portrayed. This work certainly prompts soul-searching! I highly recommend it to those who desire to be yielded vessels for the Master’s use.
. Kingsley A. Fletcher
International speaker, author
Kingsley Fletcher Ministries
Research Triangle Park, NC
Author, Prayer and Fasting
Jill truly understands the power of narrative! Master Potter allows the reader to touch the world of the supernatural in a way that promotes understanding and insight, and through allegory helps the reader view life’s twists and turns with a “God’s eye” view. I highly recommend both the author and her book!
—Lisa Ryan
700 Club, CBN
Nashville, TN
Author, For Such a Time as This
An intriguing look behind the eternal curtains of the spirit world, where the true daily battles are won or lost within the thoughts of the mind and the motives of the heart.
—Dr. Terry Lyles
“The Stress Doctor”
May the Holy Spirit’s fiery angels swirl around you as you read, and when you’re into it, may you find it difficult to put the book down, as we did. In the end, we pray you may find yourself breathing fresh air, looking forward again with hope (rather than dread), anticipating life again, whether in the fires, on the shelf, or into the heights of spiritual warfare. Wherever He is, it’s worth it, which is one of the grand themes of the book. God bless you as you read.
—John and Paula Sandford
Co-founders, Elijah House International
Hayden, ID
Authors, The Elijah Task and Prophets, Healers, and the Emerging Church
Jill Austin is someone whom I have come to love and respect over the last several years. She is someone who not only allows the Potter to have His own way in her personal life, but also allows the Spirit of the Lord to bring the fresh fire and oil of His Spirit to His ministry and services. The Lord uses her to bring people out of their old religious traditions and to prepare them to break out of their old wineskins so they are able to allow the new wine of His Spirit to flow more freely in their own personal lives.
She also leaves a major deposit and impartation in the ministries and lives of everyone with whom she comes in contact. Jill has been and continues to be a real blessing in my own personal life. Her sincerity and walk of holiness, as well as her character and integrity, are the reasons I am proud to endorse her and have her as my friend.